cutelyst  4.4.0
A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.
Cutelyst Namespace Reference

The Cutelyst namespace holds all public Cutelyst API.


 Send network requests to other endpoints.
 Helper functions used all over Cutelyst.


class  Action
 This class represents a Cutelyst Action. More...
class  ActionChain
 Holds a chain of Cutelyst actions. More...
class  ActionREST
 Automated REST method dispatching. More...
class  Application
 The Cutelyst application. More...
class  ASync
 Helper class for asynchronous processing. More...
class  ASyncPrivate
class  Authentication
 Main class to manage user authentication. More...
class  AuthenticationCredential
 Abstract class to validate authentication credentials like user name and password. More...
class  AuthenticationRealm
 Combines user store and credential validation into a named realm. More...
class  AuthenticationStore
 Abstract class to retrieve user data from a store. More...
class  AuthenticationUser
 Container for user data retrieved from an AuthenticationStore. More...
class  Component
 The Cutelyst Component base class. More...
class  ComponentFactory
class  Context
 The Cutelyst Context. More...
class  Controller
 Cutelyst Controller base class. More...
class  CredentialHttp
 Use HTTP basic authentication to authenticate a user. More...
class  CredentialPassword
 Use password based authentication to authenticate a user. More...
class  CSRFProtection
 Protect input forms against Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF) attacks. More...
class  CuteleeView
 A view that renders templates using Cutelee engine. More...
class  CutelystActionRenderView
class  CutelystActionREST
class  CutelystRoleACL
class  Dispatcher
 The Cutelyst Dispatcher. More...
class  DispatchType
 Abstract class to described a dispatch type. More...
class  DispatchTypeChained
 Describes a chained dispatch type. More...
class  DispatchTypePath
 Describes a path dispatch type. More...
struct  DynamicTableEntry
class  Engine
 The Cutelyst Engine. More...
class  EngineRequest
class  H2Frame
class  H2Stream
class  Headers
 Container for HTTP headers. More...
class  HPack
class  LangSelect
 Detect and select locale based on different input parameters. More...
class  LocalServer
class  LocalSocket
class  Memcached
 Cutelyst Memcached plugin. More...
class  MemcachedSessionStore
 Memcached based session store. More...
class  MultiPartFormDataParser
class  Pagination
 Helper to calculate values for paginating result lists. More...
class  Plugin
 Base class for Cutelyst Plugins. More...
class  Protocol
class  ProtocolData
class  ProtocolFastCGI
class  ProtocolHttp
class  ProtocolHttp2
class  ProtocolWebSocket
class  ProtoRequestFastCGI
class  ProtoRequestHttp
class  ProtoRequestHttp2
class  RenderView
 Sensible default end action that forwards to a View. More...
class  Request
 A request. More...
class  Response
 A Cutelyst response. More...
class  RoleACL
 User role-based authorization action role. More...
class  Server
 Implements a web server. More...
class  ServerEngine
class  Session
 Plugin providing methods for session management. More...
class  SessionStore
 Abstract class to create a session store. More...
class  SessionStoreFile
 A session store that stores user sessions in the file system. More...
class  Socket
class  SslSocket
class  StaticCompressed
 Serve static files compressed on the fly or pre-compressed. More...
class  StaticSimple
 Serve static files directly from your application. More...
class  Stats
class  StatusMessage
 Manage status messages over multiple requests stored in the Session. More...
class  StatusMessagePrivate
class  StoreHtpasswd
 Authentication data store using a flat file. More...
class  StoreMinimal
 Minimal in memory authentication data store. More...
class  systemdNotify
class  systemdNotifyPrivate
class  TcpServer
class  TcpServerBalancer
class  TcpSocket
class  TcpSslServer
class  Upload
 Cutelyst Upload handles file upload requests. More...
class  Validator
 Validation processor for input data. More...
class  ValidatorAccepted
 Checks if a field is available and has a specific value. More...
class  ValidatorAfter
 Checks if a date, time or datetime is after a comparison value. More...
class  ValidatorAlpha
 Validates an input field for only alphabetic content. More...
class  ValidatorAlphaDash
 Checks a value for only alpha-numeric content and dashes and underscores. More...
class  ValidatorAlphaNum
 Checks a value for only alpha-numeric content. More...
class  ValidatorBefore
 Checks if a date, time or datetime is before a comparison value. More...
class  ValidatorBetween
 Checks if a value or text length is between a minimum and maximum value. More...
class  ValidatorBoolean
 Checks if a value can be casted into a boolean. More...
class  ValidatorCharNotAllowed
 Validates an input field for not allowed characters. More...
class  ValidatorConfirmed
 Checks for a confirmation input field. More...
class  ValidatorDate
 Checks if the input data is a valid date. More...
class  ValidatorDateTime
 Checks if the input data is a valid datetime. More...
class  ValidatorDifferent
 Checks if two values are different. More...
class  ValidatorDigits
 Checks for digits only with optional length check. More...
class  ValidatorDigitsBetween
 Checks for digits only with a length between min and max. More...
class  ValidatorDomain
 Checks if the value of the input field contains a FQDN according to RFC 1035. More...
class  ValidatorEmail
 Checks if the value is a valid email address according to specific RFCs. More...
class  ValidatorFileSize
 Checks if the input field contains a valid file size string like 1.5 GB. More...
class  ValidatorFilled
 The field under validation must not be empty when it is present. More...
class  ValidatorIn
 Checks if the field value is one from a list of values. More...
class  ValidatorInteger
 Checks if the value is an integer. More...
class  ValidatorIp
 Checks if the field value is a valid IP address. More...
class  ValidatorJson
 Checks if the inut data is valid JSON. More...
class  ValidatorMax
 Checks if a value is not bigger or longer than a maximum value. More...
struct  ValidatorMessages
 Stores custom error messages and the input field label. More...
class  ValidatorMin
 Checks if a value is not smaller or shorter than a maximum value. More...
class  ValidatorNotIn
 Checks if the field value is not one from a list of values. More...
class  ValidatorNumeric
 Checks if the field under validation could be casted into a numeric value. More...
class  ValidatorPresent
 The field under validation must be present in input data but can be empty. More...
class  ValidatorPwQuality
 Validates an input field with libpwquality to check password quality. More...
class  ValidatorRegularExpression
 The field under validation must match the given regular expression. More...
class  ValidatorRequired
 Checks if a field is available and not empty. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredIf
 The field under validation must be present and not empty if the other field is equal to any value in a list. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredIfStash
 The field under validation must be present and not empty if the content of a stash key is equal to one from a list. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredUnless
 The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the other field is equal to any value in the list. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredUnlessStash
 The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the content of a stash key is equal to a value in a list. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredWith
 The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields is present. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredWithAll
 The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredWithout
 The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields is not present. More...
class  ValidatorRequiredWithoutAll
 The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. More...
class  ValidatorResult
 Provides information about performed validations. More...
struct  ValidatorReturnType
 Contains the result of a single input parameter validation. More...
class  ValidatorRule
 Base class for all validator rules. More...
class  ValidatorSame
 The given field must match the field under validation. More...
class  ValidatorSize
 The field under validation must have a size matching the given value. More...
class  ValidatorTime
 Checks if the input data is a valid time. More...
class  ValidatorUrl
 The field under validation must be a valid URL. More...
class  View
 Abstract View component for Cutelyst. More...
class  ViewEmail
 A view that sends stash data via e-mail. More...
class  ViewEmailTemplate
 A view that renders stash data using another view and sends it via e-mail. More...
class  ViewJson
 A view that returns stash data in JSON format. More...


typedef QVector< Action * > ActionList
using ParamsMultiMap = QMultiMap< QString, QString >
using TimePointSteady = std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock >
using Uploads = QVector< Upload * >


quint16 net_be16 (const char *buf)
quint32 net_be24 (const char *buf)
quint32 net_be32 (const char *buf)
quint64 net_be64 (const char *buf)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ActionList

Defines a list (vector) of Action pointers

Definition at line 161 of file action.h.